Supplement Supplements
Muscle Building androgenic Supplements; by many in society they are viewed in the same light as recreational drugs, but by performance enhancing athletes and those of a more pro-Supplement nature they are viewed as supplements. Of course, this begs the questions; who's right, and can you actually call Muscle Building Supplements "Supplement supplements"? Let's be clear right from the get go; Supplement supplements makes a lot more sense than drugs; in-fact, it's the only thing that begins to make sense when we understand what these hormones are. The only reason most people refer to them as drugs is a lack of education and understanding; this lack of understanding is really not all that different from calling a dog a fish. With this in mind, let's explain exactly what Supplement supplements are, why the label fits and just as importantly, why you might consider supplementation.
The Basic Nature
%%Panel.AdMassStack%% Muscle Building androgenic Supplements are synthetic hormones based on the primary male sex hormone testosterone; derived from numerous hormones our body produces, testosterone is the foundation. While synthetic in nature, once in the body, say a pure testosterone compound, the body does not distinguish from the testosterone it naturally produces and the testosterone provided in exogenous form. In any case, there are quite a few Supplement supplements other than simple testosterone; in-fact, the number of compounds is quite extensive. Even so, largely these are not hormones our body is unaccustomed to; you produce testosterone whether you like it or not, and this is something you should like because you need it in-order to function properly. In any case, from the name itself, "Muscle Building androgenic" Supplements we can see quite bit, and grab hold of a thorough understanding. Muscle Building refers to anabolism or "muscle building" while androgenic refers to the promotion of the male sexual characteristics, and Supplement supplements simply enhance these traits.
A Fitting Label
Without question, when we understand the purpose of Supplemental supplementation, this is where the term "Supplement supplements" will make the most sense of all; in-fact, as stated early on nothing else makes any sense. When we use Muscle Building Supplements, for whatever reason the purpose is to increase the amounts of a specific hormone in our body; this is a practice undertaken in many instances in life even of a non-Supplemental nature. For example, someone who is anemic may require supplementing with iron they already have iron in their system due to their diet, but they may need more due to an anemic condition. When it comes to Muscle Building Supplemental supplementation, the purpose is to again increase the total amount of hormones; this could be because we're deficient, to fight a muscle wasting disease or to enhance overall performance. While hormone replacement therapy and performance enhancement are the most common reasons for supplementation, in many ways, the two purposes are not all that different. If we're using Supplement supplements for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy, we're merely replacing what our body no longer naturally produces enough of; we're naturally deficient. Then there's performance enhancement, and in this case, we're merely providing more of the same hormones than our body can produce naturally so their effects will be enhanced.
It is true; when we supplement for the purpose of performance this is where side-effects can occur; after all, we can only tolerate so much of anything. Even so, for the healthy adult male, most men can tolerate far more than they naturally produce without any problems; in-fact, numerous studies have shown supraphysiological doses of testosterone in men to be quite safe when the individual is in a good state of health prior to supplementation. Of course, there is a cutoff point, and as we're all unique this can vary significantly from one man to the next; for this reason caution should always be applied when Supplement supplements are used. In the end, it all boils down to education and responsible use; if we understand the hormones we're using, understand the actions and how to combat those of a negative nature, if we supplement responsibly we can have success. Again, there's that word supplement, and as you can see from the purpose of use, "Supplement supplements" is the only thing that begins to make sense. Even so, some will scoff; some will complain and even scream these are hardcore drugs; that's fine, let them scream, but Supplement supplements are exactly what they are, and screaming about it won't change a thing any more than it will make the sky fall.