Supplement Injections
Supplement Injections
When we get right down to it Supplement injections are relatively simple; once you learn and understand the process you’ll find it to be second nature much like brushing your teeth. There are things you must know and understand regarding Supplement injections; there is protocol that needs to be followed and yes, there is a checklist to know and understand. In the end this little checklist is simple, easy and once you learn it and follow it you will generally be problem free.
Preparing for Supplement Injections:
%%Panel.AdSpeedStack%% Before you inject and there is a checklist you need to live by and you need to live by it every single time. To begin and you would think this would go without saying but reality tells us it needs to be said again; make sure the Muscle Building Supplements you’re getting ready to inject are not expired and please, use only human grade Muscle Building Supplements. The following list should be applied each and every time you prepare for Supplement injections:
1. Wash your hands
2. Clean and sanitize the area you’re preparing to inject with alcohol
3. Open a new never before used syringe and draw the Supplements into the syringe with a never before used needle a. If you choose to use a larger needle for drawing and a smaller one for injecting, either way, use fresh needles every time
4. Do not let the needle come into contact with anything else before injecting, if it does, throw the needle away and replace with a clean and fresh needle
5. Make sure there is no air or air-bubbles in the syringe; if not you are ready to inject
Performing Supplement Injections:
Now we understand what to do before we administer our Supplement injections but of equal importance is the injection process itself; without there would be no point. As the pre-injection list is important actual administration is just as important. Following the provided below guidelines will ensure your Supplement injections go as smooth as possible:
1. To draw the Muscle Building Supplements into the syringe simply draw into the syringe an amount of air equal to the amount of Muscle Building Supplements you wish to inject. Once the air is in the syringe place the needle in the amp or vile and shoot the air into the amp or vile
2. Draw the desired amount of Muscle Building Supplements into the syringe. If you have skipped number one this will not work
3. At this point make sure you’ve followed all the steps in the pre-injection list, such as sanitary measures and making sure there is no air in the syringe
4. Plunge the needle directly into the muscle in a straight fashion without any angle or bend; the faster you go the less pain you will experience. View it as you would pulling a band aide
5. After plunging the needle aspirate by pulling the syringe upward, NOT downward, you are not yet ready to inject. Once you aspirate if blood fills the syringe remove the needle and find a new spot, if there is no blood you’re ready for the next step
6. Inject the Muscle Building Supplements slowly and steadily. DO NOT ram the Supplements into your body as fast as you can; allow for a slow steady stream to ensure all the Muscle Building Supplements are being administered deep into the muscle
7. Pull the needle out and immediately apply pressure using a cotton ball or clean tissue. Hold pressure for approximately 30 seconds or until no blood or liquid is coming out of the injected site
8. Massage the injected area for a few seconds; this will largely eliminate any possible pain as well as ensure the liquid injected is evenly dispersed
9. Throw the needle and syringe in the trash. DO NOT REUSE!
Supplement Injections: Final Thoughts:
As you can see when it comes to Supplement injections there are many things you must be aware of and a list of protocol to follow. Although when you first look at the list it may seem like a lot to remember, in reality the process is very simple and will only take a minute or two. Even so, failure to follow the list of Supplement injections protocol can result in a painful injection or even serious problems such as an infection and if you get an infection or are in so much pain you cannot move the muscle injected then your Muscle Building Supplements have been nothing more than a waste.