Deca Supplements
Deca Supplements are some of the most exciting performance enhancing tools we have at our disposal, simply because of their long acting nature. In most cases, when we think of Deca Supplements we automatically think of the immensely popular Nandrolone compound Deca-Durabolin, but there are other Deca Supplements available. Without question, Deca-Durabolin is the most common Deca Supplement, but another fairly common is Testosterone-Decanoate, which is often found in the four ester mixture that makes Sustanon-250; you will almost never find anyone using Testosterone-Decanoate alone. At any rate, in most circles and for our purposes here, when referring to Deca Supplements we are referring to Nandrolone-Decanoate most commonly known by its most popular trade name Deca-Durabolin.
Understanding Deca Supplements:
%%Panel.AdDeca200%% Deca Supplements are defined by a single ester known as Decanoate and the powerful Supplemental hormone Nandrolone. Due to its nature, the Nandrolone hormone is one of the best hormones on earth for promoting mass, but it is not one of the best as it pertains to promoting strength. In any case, as the Decanoate ester is attached the effects of Deca Supplements are very slow, but they are more than worth your patience. Decanoate is a massively large ester, as such, Deca Supplements such as Nandrolone-Decanoate carry an active half-life of approximately 15 days. What this means, is that with a single injection of 100mg it will take months for all the Deca Supplements to be out of your system; after 60 days the individual would still have 6.25mg of active hormone in his system.
Using Deca Supplements:
As they are so well-suited at promoting mass, without question the best time to use Deca Supplements is during the off-season bulking phase. Of course, as you may already understand you can't simply buy a bunch of Deca Supplements and expect to see results; you must follow proper form. Below we have provided you a basis one might follow to meet any need; as you will see, while bulking use is primary, Deca Supplements can be effectively used at other times:
• Dosing:
- For therapeutic measure only, 100mg of Deca-Durabolin every 10-14 days will normally be all anyone ever needs.
- For joint relief only, 100mg of Deca-Durabolin per week will get the job done. Deca Supplements can strongly promote joint relief by the manner in-which they enhance collagen synthesis.
- For performance purposes, 200mg per week is the minimum dosing for any true performance benefit.
- For advanced performance, 400mg per week will more than suffice.
- No one should ever surpass 600mg per week with 400-500mg being as high as most any will ever need to go, with almost all healthy adult men being fine with 400mg per week.
• Testosterone:
- When we supplement with Deca Supplements our natural testosterone will be suppressed dramatically. A single injection of Nandrolone-Decanoate at 100mg is enough to suppress 100% of all your natural testosterone production. For this reason, as testosterone is essential to our health, we must supplement with exogenous testosterone when we supplement with Deca Supplements.
- How much testosterone you need will vary from man to man, but there are solid rules you can follow. Most men will find for every milligram of Nandrolone they administer they will need one milligram of testosterone at minimum. For example, with 200mg of Deca-Durabolin you will need at least 200mg of testosterone. However, some men will need more testosterone, as much as twice as much testosterone as Nandrolone due to Nandrolone's extreme suppressive nature.
- The type of testosterone you use with your Deca Supplements is of no consequence. Any testosterone form will work just as well as another so as long as you're providing your body with what it needs.
• Stacking:
- Deca Supplements stack well with just about any Supplement, as stated above the most important being that of testosterone. Other Supplements that will stack well include Anadrol, Dianabol and Equipoise.
- If you're supplementing with Deca Supplements for joint relief during a cutting phase, you will find it stacks well with all Supplements, but if ultimate leanness is what you're after it will need to be discontinued towards the end of the total cycle; approximately 4-6 weeks before the end.
• Total Use:
-Deca Supplements will generally need to be used at least 8 weeks to see any performance results, but due to its extreme slow acting nature 10-12 weeks is far more optimal.
- Regardless of your purpose of use, it is recommended you discontinue Deca-Durabolin use at least 2 weeks before a total cycle ends; many will find ending use 4 weeks before the cycles end to be warranted.
- Failure to end the use of Deca Supplements at a proper time will make it much harder to discontinue Muscle Building Supplement use properly, and to get your natural testosterone production back online in a timely fashion.