Anadrol 50

If you're looking for a fast acting powerful Supplement that will promote unimaginable mass, you've come to the right place, because it is Anadrol 50 we want to discuss today. Brought to the market by Syntex Pharmaceuticals, Anadrol 50 was designed to treat muscle wasting diseases; simply put, it was designed to promote the growth of muscle tissue, and that is exactly why it's so popular in many performance based circles. As muscle growth is this Supplement's primary trait, it shouldn't come as a surprise that most use it during mass gaining phases; however, as we'll see it can serve a welcomed purpose in a cutting cycle. Did we mention Anadrol 50 is also a powerful strength increasing Supplement; without question, this Supplement will see your strength reach new levels. You better believe it; this is one powerfully exciting Muscle Building Supplement, so let's dive in and see what we can find.

Anadrol 50 – Overview

%%Panel.AdMassStack%% Anadrol 50 is a C17-aa oral Muscle Building Supplement that belongs to the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) family of Muscle Building Supplements; as are all C17-aa Supplements, Anadrol 50 is quite toxic to the liver; in-fact, it's one of the most toxic. With a strong hepatotoxic nature, most will find this Supplement should never be used for more than 6 weeks, with many finding 4 weeks to be all they need. If supplementation is desired, you should ensure your liver is healthy enough for use before you begin, and you should avoid any other activity that might add more stress to the liver. If you can do these things, while your enzyme values will increase during supplementation, assuming your liver was healthy to begin with, and additional stress was not introduced, they will return to normal shortly after use is discontinued. Although the Supplement cannot be used for a long period of time, fortunately it won't take long to see some tremendous results. Further, beyond health reasons there's really no reason to supplement with Anadrol 50 for more than 4-6 weeks, as it has a remarkably sharp falloff point; simply put, past the 6 week mark you're not going to make much more progress with the Supplement, but you will damage your liver. Of course, we've explained what you need to consider as it pertains to the liver above, but as for your progress, if you have quality Anadrol 50 in hand this short time frame of use will surely transform your physique. An extremely fast acting Supplement with a very short half-life, Anadrol 50 must be administered on a daily basis during use, as its active half-life is approximately 8.5 hours. Further, most will find this is a Supplement that is not highly beneficial when used alone; sure, it will provide progress alone, but you'll find the gains are extremely hard to hang onto if your total cycle ends after the use of this Supplement. Further, as Anadrol 50 will significantly suppress natural testosterone production, this is reason enough not to use it alone; what does this tell us? This tells us exogenous testosterone supplementation is always the best choice when supplementing with Anadrol 50; other Supplements can be used too, but if only one is going to be added it should be testosterone.


There are no two ways about it; Anadrol 50 results in mass, mass and more mass as this is the Supplements primary objective. Those who supplement with the Supplement can easily gain 20-30lbs in a mere 4 weeks if enough calories are consumed, and that is a massive gain by any definition. Of course, some of the gain is going to be water weight, actually a large portion will be water weight even though it doesn't aromatize; however, water retention can be controlled, and a significant amount of tissue growth obtained. Further, with use you'll find your strength shoots through the roof enabling you to push harder with your training and grow even more. It must be noted; as eluded to you must eat to spur such growth; this is not a magical substance, and if you're burning more calories than you're consuming you're not going to gain any weight. This may seem obvious to many of you, but it must be stated as it's something many fail to understand. While mass and strength are the primary traits of Anadrol 50, mass being number one, this is a Supplement that can have a specific use during a cutting cycle; specifically, one for a competitive bodybuilder. The idea is fairly basic; you're at the end of the diet and you'll soon be carbing up and filling out. By introducing Anadrol 50 into the equation, you'll be able to maximize your carb loading and fill out tremendously; however, while this can work remarkably well it comes with a strong note of caution. If you've never supplemented with Anadrol 50 before this is not something you should try and if you do not fully understand how to control water at the end of a diet, you should forgo this Supplements use. You must have experience with Anadrol 50 before you try this, you should understand how to control the possible water retention, and further, you should be in an extremely lean and conditioned state. The vast majority of competitors will not need this, but the ones who do can greatly benefit. If you are one who will benefit, in many cases a mere 2 weeks prior to your contest will suffice.

Adverse Effects

We've already discussed this Supplements strong hepatotoxic nature above, and as such, caution must be applied. Beyond this factor, like all DHT Muscle Building Supplements Anadrol 50 will not aromatize; however, for reasons that are to this day still somewhat of a mystery it will carry strong estrogenic properties. Those who supplement with Anadrol 50 can fall prey to Gynecomastia, massive increases in blood pressure, and of course, water retention as discussed above. Each and every one of these adverse reactions can occur, and in a significant fashion, but for the healthy adult male, all hope is not lost; far from it. To combat such issues, those who supplement with Anadrol 50 will find the use of aromatase inhibitors (AI's) to be tremendously beneficial; the same AI's we often use to combat aromatizing Supplements. Further, living a lifestyle that promotes a healthy blood pressure is imperative, as well as making sure you're not overeating abundantly; especially carbohydrates. If you can do these things, assuming you had a healthy blood pressure to begin with you will enjoy successful supplementation; it should go without saying, those who have preexisting high blood pressure should not supplement.

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