Dianabol Supplements
Ask any veteran performance enhancer, and the strong majority will tell you there are very few things as exciting as Dianabol Supplements; go ahead, ask; we'll be right here waiting. In any case, while you may find a few who don't care for Dianabol Supplements, most understand there are very few Muscle Building Supplements that can top it, and when it comes to its designed intent there is no Muscle Building Supplement on earth that can match up. With that in mind, let's take a look at Dianabol Supplements, show you what they are, what they can do, and lead you to possibly considering them for your Muscle Building Supplement needs.
The History of Dianabol Supplements
%%Panel.AdDanabol25%% Dianabol Supplements are simply the Muscle Building Supplement Methandrostenolone, commonly known by its most popular and original trade name Dianabol, and often simply referred to as Dbol. Developed for the sole purpose of athletic performance, these little pills were brought to the market by Ciba Pharmacuiticals after U.S. Olympic Team physician Dr. John Zeigler designed them in an effort to beat the Soviet Union. In Olympic Games prior, the U.S.S.R had begun to dominate U.S. Olympic teams due to testosterone use; at this time testosterone was the only Supplement available. With Dr. Zeigler being charged with finding an answer, finding an answer he did, and shortly after the U.S. would dominate again. While the birth of Muscle Building Supplements took place in the 1930's, thanks to German Nobel Prize winning Chemists' Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka, it was Dianabol Supplements that would see the race for more Supplements to be developed, and it was here with Zeigler's little pill that the true age of performance began, and we assure you, contrary to what you often hear it is bigger today than it has ever been.
What Dianabol Supplements can do for You:
%%Panel.danabol25_ad%% The most common reason to supplement with Dianabol Supplements in the modern era is for off-season bulking gains, and you better believe this is an excellent time to supplement. By its nature, Dianabol will rapidly increase mass and strength; so much so it is not uncommon for an individual to gain as much as 20lbs in only a few weeks, and sometimes even more. Of course, this is a Supplement that aromatizes heavily, and as such, some of the weight gained will be due to water retention. While that's true, water retention is easy to control with proper dieting principles (not overeating, especially carbs) and through the use of Aromatase Inhibitors. For this purpose, for the off-season bulker, most who supplement with Dianabol Supplements will do so at the beginning of the cycle to kick things off.
While kick starting a cycle is a fine point of use, there is another time to supplement with Dianabol Supplements that is often neglected and left out of the conversation. Dbol is without a doubt one of the greatest plateau busters on earth, and if you're stuck in a rut or at a sticking point nothing will break you free like Dianabol. When it comes to plateau busting with Dbol, this is a practice that will normally only be undertaken by the very experienced, and those who run very long Muscle Building Supplement cycles; that's almost never a newbie to Muscle Building Supplement use.
Dosing & Duration:
To get the most out of your Dianabol Supplements, you need to know proper dosing protocols. To begin, we can tell you right off the bat a mere 10mg per day is enough to provide nearly 100% androgen recovery, but for the purpose of performance 20mg per day will be our minimal dose. For the first time user, 20-30mg per day is a fine place to start, and in most cases, 6 weeks of use is all that is needed. For a more advanced user, 50mg per day can be used very safely at 6 weeks as well. We can go past 6 weeks into the 8 week range, but you will not want to pass this 8 week mark, and will be best served staying with 6. Dianabol Supplements are a bit toxic to the liver, and as such their use must be limited. For those who will be plateau busting with the Dbol, if you used it as a kick start as well, ensure you have at least 4 weeks in-between periods of use, with 6 weeks in-between being optimal.